Title: Some Quiet Place
Author: Kelsey Sutton
Publisher: Flux
Pages: 336
Some Quiet Place by Kelsey Sutton is a strange book. Strange in a unique sort of way. It takes a completely original idea and simply runs with it. Because I did have to force myself to read the first 100 pages, I have to give this book a 2.5 out of 5.
Elizabeth has never been the same since the car accident when she was 4/5. Since then, her family and home life turned abusive and non comforting. Elizabeth simply cannot feel emotions; although, she can see them in their otherworldly humanoid form. This intrigues the emotion Fear. Thus, it makes it a challenge to try to get to the bottom of this circumstance.
The idea of having a protagonist who doesn't feel anything but physical pain is utterly original and unique. However, this does prove to become utterly boring after the first few scenes. As one can probably imagine, a character that lacks emotion is incredibly boring. The only thing that makes up for it is about mid way through the book is the change of pace that thankfully saves this book from my unfinished pile.
The love triangle in this book kind of put me off a bit. I just have an issue with it in general, so the who dynamic kind of annoyed me. "Just choose one and stop playing with the other, " is what I wanted to tell Elizabeth for the majority of this book!
The plot was interesting enough to keep me mildly to moderately entertained. Although, I should give it credit for the mild plot twists/surprises at the end. Overall, though, it was just okay. The idea is the only thing that is special.
So if you have read Some Quiet Place already and disagree with me, then let me suggest The Coldest Girl in Coldtown (Link here) and The Registry (link here).
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