What I Saw and How I Lied by Judy Blundell was not a let down, that I can say for 100% certainty. I found this book while I was browsing around at my local library, looking for something to read. I had given up hope about finding a truly good book, as I have encountered a multitude of duds. This book has given me hope again. I'd say this definitely deserves a four out of five stars.
Evelyn, her mother, and step-father, decide on a last minute decision to leave their home (well, the step-father's mother's home) and to go on a vacation at the very end of summer to Florida. Upon arrival, they discover that the town is practically deserted. However, they become friendly with some of the few people there. Among them includes Peter, a twenty-three-year-old ex-GI who happens to be visiting for business.
The expectations that came along with the National Book Award sticker on the book did not wither while reading this book. In fact, it kept me so sucked in, I read it in less than twenty-four hours. Throughout the book, it maintained about the same level of interest, creating a sort of dreamy atmosphere around it.
The book is filled with mystery in it, as there are events that happen that just don't seem right, even if Evelyn herself fails to recognize it or pushes it away. After several suspicious events, I began trying to piece the story together to find the truth to no avail. It wasn't until the last few chapters that most of the truth was revealed. And it all made complete sense! Some suspicious were confirmed while other precious were proved to be misconceptions. That's what made this book utterly fantastic!
Evelyn starts out as a insecure young 15-year-old who is dependent on her best friend. She's envious of the other girls and her mother who seem to have all that she doesn't. Through her experiences in Florida and the danger shoved in her face she develops as a strong character. However, it's not all black and white, but overflowing with gray. It's a tale of self-discovery, lessons learned, character growth.
The romance in this book is twisted over backwards with a hint of suspicious. For instance, Peter is twenty-three and Evelyn is 15, something must be wrong for a man in his twenties to want to be with a mere teenager, right? But, does love know no bounds? And what's with Peter being already acquainted with Eve's step-father and his poorly hidden contempt towards him? Don't even get me started with the mom...
This is a perfect read for this time of the year: summer! Oh, and one last thing: while reading this book, the song Florida Kilos by Lana Del Rey popped into my head. I don't think there is a more perfect song to fit this book. Hear for yourself: Florida Kilos. Anyway, this is a good young adult read. Similar books are: The Bone Season (link here) and Stolen (link here).
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