Friday, January 24, 2014

The Bone Season Review

Reading The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon awarded me infinite pleasure, a pleasure so rare, so extraordinary, that I could not put it down. I purposefully stayed up, surrendering some of my precious sleep, in order to eagerly devour this book. Rarely do I ever enjoy reading a book this much, it is an uncommon pleasure that I wish I could experience more often. This book deserves a definite 5 out of 5. 

First off, world building in this book was rather unique and very detailed. You are forewarned, very detailed world building = lots of information = what some may consider info-dump. Honestly, this was not a problem for me, but according to others' reviews... it is. I was shocked to see all of the mixed reviews, so you'll either love it or hate it. Anyway, a world full of multiple classifications of clairvoyants that are in secret, organised crime or exile, full of danger, it was interesting. 

I loved the social dynamic and hierarchy! It was rather refreshing after reading numerous young adult paranormal romances. The heroine Paige is shipped off to "Oxford" where she becomes a slave for an alien race that dominates the city with other captured clairvoyants.  All of the slaves are assigned a keeper that is responsible for their slaves, and boy, they are extremely brutal and violent to their "property". Paige is assigned to Warder, which is the first time he has ever taken a slave. You can really feel Paige's initial, and just, loathing towards Warden; however, I thoroughly loved how despite Paige being treated like utter crap, she still remains humane and caring, even towards Warden. Their relationship is forbidden yet that only made me like it more, despite that trope being overly used! I loved how their relationship seemed more probable than the typical, cliche love-at-first-sight crap that I cannot truly believe! They gradually gained trust with each other, no instant "Oh my god! You're so hot! I believe every single word you say. There's no way you can actually be a serial murderer." Perhaps my judgement is a bit biased, clouded by my tendency to love the tsundere type of character for a potential lover. 

The action in this book will keep you on your toes. There is regularly some kind of action scene in most of the chapters. I must say, Paige can really hold her own when it concerns someone else besides her, furthering illustrating her humane and lovely character. The main antagonist may perhaps disgust you, which personally only awarded me more satisfaction when her eventual downfall arrived.  

I can genuinely say that I cannot really think of any flaws with this book. The only thing I can think of is the wait until the sequel -by the way, this series is projected to have 7 books total- hopefully it'll come soon. But as of early January, the author finished her first draft for the 2nd book. So, it's going to be a loooooong wait. Another thing I can think of is that fact that during the day, when I was not able to read it, I was constantly thinking about it! It completely consumed my thoughts during the day! Beware. 

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