Wanderlove by Kirsten Hubbard was not merely a random book that I picked off the shelf, rather after reading Just One Day I was hit with the longing to travel. Dismally, at the moment, I don't have the means to do so. In order to temporarily suppress the urge, I did the next best thing: vicariously live through a story that's saturated with it. This book irrevocably deserves a 4 out of 5.
The sketches and the lists/rules in this book is what seriously set it apart from most other books. They were cute and complimented it as a whole nicely. It kind of helped me get inside the heroine Bria's head and allowed further insight into her character. Nevertheless, I must reiterate, they were entirely cute. Provided some comic relief in certain sections of the book.
To be honest, I was slightly disappointed for the first 60ish pages. I didn't initially like Bria; she displayed annoying qualities that I plainly loathed: lying, sticking to the ugly past... However, I eventually became enlightened, this was old, transformed Bria. It was necessary to have her annoying and loathsome like this in order to have her transformed into a way more agreeable, enlightened heroine. I grew to love her. The further you were invested into the story, the more you discovered about Bria's character and her past. Personally, I eventually uncovered the reasoning behind her lies and even sympathized with her. (Note: lying is only a minor subject, it's not a primarily immoral book, it's the opposite actually. I mostly guarantee, this book will likely stick with you for awhile.)
I am sooo envious (not jealous, mind you) of Bria! Before reading this, I've never really been too interest in the backpacking lifestyle, perhaps due to my ignorance of it. But now, I am remarkably ready to begin my own backpacking adventure somewhere outside North America. Hostels, Mayan ruins, lakes, islands, and festivals, I want to experience it all! However, like I stated earlier, travel stories will have to satiate me for now.
The relationship between Bria and Rowan (travel-brother? love interest? -will try not to spoil- ) was initially a complicated one. Certainly, the topics concerning their past that were off limits was a definite obstacle in having an honest and healthy relationship. And again, making their transformation even more meaningful. There was more to this than simply a "common romance"; it stood out. The complexity allowed them to grow and seem multidimensional. Let me say, there really isn't any "instantaneous love at first sight crap".
Those hit with the travel bug and cannot actually travel, read this.
Those who enjoy a good coming of age, growing up story, read this.
Finally, those who are looking for something potentially a bit different, must I repeat? Read this.
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