Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Across the Universe Review

Across The Universe by Beth Revis is an outstanding sci-fi novel for young adults. It combines elements of science fiction-obviously-, romance, mystery, and it’s even a little edgy! If you are one that doesn’t prefer sci-fi, still read this book! I am, personally, a person who dislikes sci-fi movies/shows-with few exceptions-/books; however, in this book it is presented in such a way that compliments the book, adding needed depth and uniqueness! Overall I rate this book 4/5.
The story’s background is that Amy and her parents leave their old life behind on Earth to be frozen on a spaceship for 300 years until they reach their destination: a most-likely habitable planet. Due to some arbitrary circumstance, Amy is awaken 50 years early. What she wakes up to is a completely different world, well ship I guess, that what she is used to. There are people who lack emotions and obey everything, the people who have individual thought and emotions are labelled crazy and live in the hospital, and there is the strict, dictator like leader: Eldest. On this ship there is killer, someone who is unfreezing the bodies and leaving them to die, and what seems like an endless amount of secrets and lies. 
What I genuinely loved about this book were the characters! My absolute favorite is Harley-I’d love to see a Amy&Harley ship-! They had personalities, so much so that I grew attached to them. I shared their anguish; what’s more, I was even on the brink of tears-something that only one other book has ever made me do-. Amy’s romantic interest, Elder-not to be confused with Eldest- is truly a deep person, in being noble, but also facing internal conflicts, independent-in other words, having individual thought (BTW, that’s the 3rd reason for discord), and also possessing surprising secrets of his own. Miss Revis does an excellent job at creating different perceptions for the characters, making them different, and how they interact with one another.
 She also does a fantastic job at interweaving the secrets/lies and the mystery together. There’s clues throughout the book that are easily missed, as they are missed by the characters themselves until the end. How you perceive a character is easily changed, and with legit reason too! 
In a nutshell, this is an amazing book that I do recommend reading! You’ll get attached to the characters and love them, get swept up in the mystery that’ll make you feel you are actually there, facing the same problems yourself. Even if you don’t life sci-fi, keep an open mind and read this book anyway! If you do like it, then this is the perfect book for you! Some other books that I suggest are “Wither” by Lauren DeStefano and “Eve” by Anna Carey.

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